Guest Shannon Riggs joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss her book “Thrive Online” and a key principle that, when pursuing quality, regardless of online, blended, synchronous, or in-person course modality, “it really always comes back to design.”

Join hosts Kelvin and Tom for a consideration of the need across higher education to collaboratively wage a campaign of accuracy to repair the damage done to the reputation of online education during the remote instruction response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Guest Dr. Luke Dowden joins hosts Kelvin and Tom to remind us all that people are the most valuable part of any online learning organization. He helps us identify how to add value to our team members, our organizations, and our collective work through deliberate caring. These other-centered practices are valuable every day but are especially relevant in the COVID-era.

With a touch of holiday fun and whimsy, hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by a panel of past guests and a live audience of regular listeners to celebrate the end of 2020 and reflect upon its lasting impact on the field of online education. Enjoy this holiday gift to our community, and please consider sharing a link with your colleagues.

About Episode 78: Calbright College President and CEO Ajita Menon re-joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss the lessons learned from leading a “start-up” public college. This is the second of two interviews with President Menon. Podcast Recording Download Transcript: [PDF] Episode 78 Show Notes: Episode Synopsis via Twitter View complete list of episode highlights …

Tom and Kelvin consider the strategic role blended learning can have during the pandemic as higher ed institutions begin planning for their eventual return to f2f instruction. This episode is the eighth in a mini-series of monthly “field reports” offering collegial advice in getting through the current era of “remote teaching” necessitated by COVID-19.

Hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss principles for effective planning of spring 2021’s continued reliance on the work of online learning professionals. This episode is the seventh in a mini-series of monthly “field reports” offering collegial advice in getting through the current era of “remote teaching” necessitated by COVID-19.