Hosts Kelvin and Tom discuss the challenge, still present after 30 years, of helping others (e.g., policymakers, potential students, etc.)  understand what a  “good online course” is without experiencing one themselves. They discuss why this still matters and what approaches might help.

Join hosts Kelvin and Tom for a consideration of the range of options for post-pandemic work being considered across higher education. As online education professionals, if we can’t figure out how to do this well, who can?

Hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by guest Dr. Julie Mendez to consider how to overcome challenges faced by STEM faculty who might be resistant to teaching online or blended courses. Spoiler: It’s about faculty talking to faculty!

From her time as CAO of Davis College, guest Dr. Cristi Ford joins Kelvin and Tom to talk about the impressive work of Rwanda’s Akilah Institute in providing educational access to women via a combination of blended learning, competency-based education, and international partnership.

Guest Shannon Riggs joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss her book “Thrive Online” and a key principle that, when pursuing quality, regardless of online, blended, synchronous, or in-person course modality, “it really always comes back to design.”

Join hosts Kelvin and Tom for a consideration of the need across higher education to collaboratively wage a campaign of accuracy to repair the damage done to the reputation of online education during the remote instruction response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Student evaluation of instruction is often contentious. In this episode, guest Dr. Barbara Zorn joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to share findings from a data mining research study of end of term evaluations from 60,000 online courses. Research in this area guides our field in using these evaluations effectively.