In this episode, guest Cheryl Costantini from Cengage joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to speak about the importance of providing students with affordable access to digital course materials. This has proven especially critical during the COVID-19 era.

Tom and Kelvin talk through giving voice to and gathering data from all faculty and student constituents to evaluate effectiveness of remote instruction. This episode is the fourth in a mini-series of monthly “field reports” offering collegial advice in getting through the current era of “remote teaching” necessitated by COVID-19.

Hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss how to carry out a strategy of offering a higher proportion of well-designed online courses each semester. This episode is the third in a mini-series of monthly “field reports” offering collegial advice in getting through the current era of “remote teaching” necessitated by COVID-19.

About Episode 66: Guest Dr. Euan Lindsay, director of engineering for Australia’s Charles Sturt University, joins Kelvin and Tom to talk about the role of adaptive learning in curricular innovation. Find out how students “binge at their point of need” while also getting a real world education. Podcast Recording Download Transcript: [PDF] Episode 66 Show …

Hosts Kelvin and Tom ponder the long term effects of the coronavirus on higher education.This episode is the second in a mini-series of monthly “field reports” offering collegial advice in getting through the current era of “remote teaching” necessitated by COVID-19.

Hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by guest Dr. Michelle Pacansky-Brock (“Brocansky”) to discuss the importance of “humanizing” education. Humanizing is important generally for the design and teaching of actual online courses/programs, but in the COVID-19 era, humanizing remote teaching/learning is imperative.

This episode is the first in a mini-series of monthly “field reports” offering collegial advice in getting through the current era of “remote teaching” necessitated by COVID-19. Hosts Kelvin and Tom offer principles for launching and sustaining remote teaching initiatives.

About Episode 62: In this episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by guest Dr. Tamara Powell, from Kennesaw State University, to discuss the role of course fees in funding online education. The importance of showing a return on investment is emphasized. Podcast Recording Download Transcript: [PDF] Episode 62 Show Notes: Episode Synopsis via Twitter …