In celebration of 30 years of OLC conferences and with input and reactions from our community of online/digital learning professionals, including a live audience(!), hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss the issues inherent in predicting and shaping a desirable future for online/digital education over the next 30 years.

In the fifth season kick-off, hosts Kelvin Thompson and Thomas Cavanagh reflect on what makes them crazy about the field of online education and what online practitioners might do to remedy the situation. This is a great episode to share and discuss with colleagues inside and outside the field.

About Episode 12: The Learning Management System (LMS) is often indistinguishable from online education in the minds of the uninitiated. In this episode,  join hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson as they examine where the LMS has been, where it is, and where it is going. Download Transcript [PDF, RTF] Episode 12 Show Notes: Please …