Guest Dr. Carmin Chan joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to consider how we might reframe the typical institutional data that might not present clearly the needs and progress of post-traditional learners served by online education.

While specialists in online education, such as instructional designers and administrative leaders, help carry out online courses and programs strategically, it is the faculty whose voice, wisdom, and human connections make online learning successful. In this episode, hosts Kelvin and Tom discuss the importance of this faculty voice and valuing.

About Episode 48: Access to education is not equal across all demographics. What might we do about that? In this episode, rockstar scholar Dr. Chuck Dziuban joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss equity and the affordances of digital learning. Podcast Recording Download Transcript: [PDF] Episode 48 Show Notes: Episode Synopsis via Twitter View complete …

About Episode 20: In this episode, Tom and Kelvin, supplemented by members of a recent conference panel, consider how podcasting can be a vehicle for receiving and creating professional development opportunities. Episode 20 Show Notes: Please find various show notes and resources below. Episode Synopsis via Twitter View complete list of episode highlights via Twitter …