In the fifth season kick-off, hosts Kelvin Thompson and Thomas Cavanagh reflect on what makes them crazy about the field of online education and what online practitioners might do to remedy the situation. This is a great episode to share and discuss with colleagues inside and outside the field.

About Episode 48: Access to education is not equal across all demographics. What might we do about that? In this episode, rockstar scholar Dr. Chuck Dziuban joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss equity and the affordances of digital learning. Podcast Recording Download Transcript: [PDF] Episode 48 Show Notes: Episode Synopsis via Twitter View complete …

In this episode Kelvin and Tom are joined by Dr. Tawnya Means and Dr. Meridith Bergeron as they consider the value of engagement, especially for students who have online-only experiences with their institutions through online programs. Means and Bergeron share details about a current research project in which listeners may participate.

Active learning is a method of learning in which students are actively engaged and involved in the learning process. In order to learn, students must do more than just listen — they must read, write, discuss, or be engaged in solving problems. In this session, participants will learn about active learning strategies as well as how active learning is not limited to a face-to-face or synchronous environment. Additionally, the presenters will showcase examples of how active learning can be achieved in an online environment.

In this episode, hosts Kelvin and Tom note the student success benefits of learning analytics initiatives and consider thoughtfully the appropriate roles for human decision-making in such initiatives. Students, faculty, advisors, and administrators are just some of the humans who can be empowered by analytics.

The Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) has awarded the 2018 Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching to Matt Dombrowski, from the School of Visual Arts and Design. The award presentation occurred during the Showcase event that concluded the fall session of CDL’s faculty development program for online and blended teaching, IDL6543.

Managing change is part of the business of leading innovation in online/digital learning. Sometimes we make mistakes. In this episode of TOPcast, hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson share lessons learned from a recent controversial case study in change management at UCF’s College of Business.