Hosts Kelvin and Tom discuss the challenge, still present after 30 years, of helping others (e.g., policymakers, potential students, etc.)  understand what a  “good online course” is without experiencing one themselves. They discuss why this still matters and what approaches might help.

Redesigning courses from one modality to another was a rushed necessity in the early days of remote instruction, and it might be an expectation of some administrators post-pandemic. Join hosts Tom and Kelvin as they unpack what listener Jerry Dougherty has termed “intermodal learning.”

About Episode 16: How do we see to it that the design and teaching of online courses are of the highest quality possible? In this episode join hosts Kelvin Thompson and Thomas Cavanagh as they dig deeper into the practicalities of ensuring high quality online courses. Download Transcript [PDF, RTF] Episode 16 Show Notes: Please …

Perceptions of quality (high and low) are a perennial problem in online education. What is quality? Who decides? What if others disagree? Should majority rule? What about expert knowledge? Join Tom and Kelvin in wrestling with these questions and more in this on-location episode.