Posted on March 17, 2025March 14, 2025Episode 182: When is “Good Teaching” Just “Good Teaching?” Guest Dr. Thomas J. (Tom) Tobin joins hosts Tom and Kelvin for a slightly spicy conversation about the extent to which general teaching behaviors can be meaningfully separated from other factors such as course modality, student characteristics, institutional resources, and more. TagsadministratorsdesigndigitalfacultyleadersMandernachmodalitiesonlinequalitystudentsteachingTobin Posted on January 6, 2025January 3, 2025Episode 177: Creating the Digital Learning Future Our Students Deserve In celebration of 30 years of OLC conferences and with input and reactions from our community of online/digital learning professionals, including a live audience(!), hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss the issues inherent in predicting and shaping a desirable future for online/digital education over the next 30 years. Tags30 years60 year curriculumAIALNARassessmentbusiness modelsCarnegie unitcredentialcredit hourdigitaldigital dividedisruptionequityfacultyfuturehigher educationhistoryhowardhumaninnovationjacobsKatopodislearnerslearningmediamicrocredentialsOLConlinepersonalized learningSloan-CstudentsTobinTOPcast Livetrosclairvalue propositionveletsianosvirtual realityVRWegmann Posted on April 15, 2024April 12, 2024Episode 160: “Remember the Why:” Designing Meaningful Learning Assignments Guest Dr. Jean Mandernach joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss how faculty and instructional designers can design more meaningful and engaging learning assignments for students, online or anywhere. TagsAIassessmentassignmentscheatingcoviddesignengagementethicsfacultyinstructional designerslearningLibericaMandernachonlinestudentsTobinTurgeon Posted on December 5, 2022February 27, 2023Episode 127: Community Wisdom: Students, Hybridity, and More! In this “call-in show” episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by multiple voices from the online education community to distill wisdom in making sense of 2022 and preparing to make the most of 2023 in our collective work. Themes include centering on student needs and supporting increased hybridity. Tags20222023blendedcall-incommunitycoursesEhrmannholidayhybridhybridityJohnsonlearningmodalitiesonlineStachowiakstudent servicesstudentsTobinWegmannWehrwisdom
Posted on January 6, 2025January 3, 2025Episode 177: Creating the Digital Learning Future Our Students Deserve In celebration of 30 years of OLC conferences and with input and reactions from our community of online/digital learning professionals, including a live audience(!), hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss the issues inherent in predicting and shaping a desirable future for online/digital education over the next 30 years. Tags30 years60 year curriculumAIALNARassessmentbusiness modelsCarnegie unitcredentialcredit hourdigitaldigital dividedisruptionequityfacultyfuturehigher educationhistoryhowardhumaninnovationjacobsKatopodislearnerslearningmediamicrocredentialsOLConlinepersonalized learningSloan-CstudentsTobinTOPcast Livetrosclairvalue propositionveletsianosvirtual realityVRWegmann Posted on April 15, 2024April 12, 2024Episode 160: “Remember the Why:” Designing Meaningful Learning Assignments Guest Dr. Jean Mandernach joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss how faculty and instructional designers can design more meaningful and engaging learning assignments for students, online or anywhere. TagsAIassessmentassignmentscheatingcoviddesignengagementethicsfacultyinstructional designerslearningLibericaMandernachonlinestudentsTobinTurgeon Posted on December 5, 2022February 27, 2023Episode 127: Community Wisdom: Students, Hybridity, and More! In this “call-in show” episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by multiple voices from the online education community to distill wisdom in making sense of 2022 and preparing to make the most of 2023 in our collective work. Themes include centering on student needs and supporting increased hybridity. Tags20222023blendedcall-incommunitycoursesEhrmannholidayhybridhybridityJohnsonlearningmodalitiesonlineStachowiakstudent servicesstudentsTobinWegmannWehrwisdom
Posted on April 15, 2024April 12, 2024Episode 160: “Remember the Why:” Designing Meaningful Learning Assignments Guest Dr. Jean Mandernach joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss how faculty and instructional designers can design more meaningful and engaging learning assignments for students, online or anywhere. TagsAIassessmentassignmentscheatingcoviddesignengagementethicsfacultyinstructional designerslearningLibericaMandernachonlinestudentsTobinTurgeon Posted on December 5, 2022February 27, 2023Episode 127: Community Wisdom: Students, Hybridity, and More! In this “call-in show” episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by multiple voices from the online education community to distill wisdom in making sense of 2022 and preparing to make the most of 2023 in our collective work. Themes include centering on student needs and supporting increased hybridity. Tags20222023blendedcall-incommunitycoursesEhrmannholidayhybridhybridityJohnsonlearningmodalitiesonlineStachowiakstudent servicesstudentsTobinWegmannWehrwisdom
Posted on December 5, 2022February 27, 2023Episode 127: Community Wisdom: Students, Hybridity, and More! In this “call-in show” episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by multiple voices from the online education community to distill wisdom in making sense of 2022 and preparing to make the most of 2023 in our collective work. Themes include centering on student needs and supporting increased hybridity. Tags20222023blendedcall-incommunitycoursesEhrmannholidayhybridhybridityJohnsonlearningmodalitiesonlineStachowiakstudent servicesstudentsTobinWegmannWehrwisdom