Posted on March 3, 2025March 3, 2025Episode 181: Help in Grasping “Good Online Course” Hosts Kelvin and Tom discuss the challenge, still present after 30 years, of helping others (e.g., policymakers, potential students, etc.) understand what a “good online course” is without experiencing one themselves. They discuss why this still matters and what approaches might help. TagscomplexityCosta Ricacovid-19disseminationenvironmentexperiencefacultyonlinequalityQuality Mattersremote instructionreputationstakeholdersstandardsstudents Posted on July 19, 2021February 2, 2022Episode 94: Digital STEM: Building On Successful Teaching Experiences of Faculty Hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by guest Dr. Julie Mendez to consider how to overcome challenges faced by STEM faculty who might be resistant to teaching online or blended courses. Spoiler: It’s about faculty talking to faculty! Tagsadoptionblendedcontagioncoronacoronaviruscovid-19designdialogueengineeringexperiencefacultyfaculty developmentinnovationmathematicsonlinescienceSTEMteachingtechnologyvirus
Posted on July 19, 2021February 2, 2022Episode 94: Digital STEM: Building On Successful Teaching Experiences of Faculty Hosts Tom and Kelvin are joined by guest Dr. Julie Mendez to consider how to overcome challenges faced by STEM faculty who might be resistant to teaching online or blended courses. Spoiler: It’s about faculty talking to faculty! Tagsadoptionblendedcontagioncoronacoronaviruscovid-19designdialogueengineeringexperiencefacultyfaculty developmentinnovationmathematicsonlinescienceSTEMteachingtechnologyvirus