Posted on October 17, 2022October 17, 2022Episode 124: Reliable “Buckets:” Toward Modality Clarity Guest Dr. Nicole Johnson joins hosts Tom and Kelvin to discuss research on course modality definitions in Canada and the US and why clarity about course modalities is important for advancing the field of digital teaching and learning. TagsasynchronousCanadaf2ffacultyflippedhybridhyflexin-personinstructional designersJohnsonleaderslearningmodalitiesonlineResearchResearchersSpectrumSynchronous Posted on June 6, 2022June 8, 2022Episode 115: “Blendedness:” Deliberate Design with Student Benefit As a companion piece to episode 113 on “onlineness,” in this episode hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss the related concept of “blendedness” – the deliberate design of a unified in-person + online experience in ways that benefit students directly. Tagsadaptiveblendedblendednessf2ffacultyflippedhybridhyflexin-personinstructional designersmodalitiesonline Posted on June 7, 2021February 2, 2022Episode 91: Intermodal Learning Redesigning courses from one modality to another was a rushed necessity in the early days of remote instruction, and it might be an expectation of some administrators post-pandemic. Join hosts Tom and Kelvin as they unpack what listener Jerry Dougherty has termed “intermodal learning.” Tagsasynchronousblendedblendflexdoughertyhyflexintermodallearning objectsmodalitiesmodesonlineremote instructionremote teachingscormstandardsSynchronoustransportation Posted on August 3, 2020February 2, 2022Episode 71: Field Report #5: Finding Flexibility for F2F This Fall: The BlendFlex Approach Many institutions will be offering at least some f2f instruction this fall. Kelvin and Tom talk through the details of one flexible approach for making fall f2f less disruptable: BlendFlex. TagsblendedblendflexcontagioncontinuityCOOPcoronacoronaviruscovid-19f2ffield reportflexibilityhyflexinstructionmodalitiesonlineoperationsvirus Posted on October 1, 2018February 2, 2022Episode 42: Designing for Synchronous Online Learning While “traditional” online education relies on asynchronous experiences, there are specific contexts in which synchronous online learning is best for students. In this episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss how and when to make the most of real time options. TagsBeattyblendedchiapasdesignDziubanf2fhigh-impact practicesHIPhyflexliveMoskalNorbergonlinereal timeReigeluthSynchronous Navigation Menu Teach Online BackCourse Enhancements BackCDL GraphicsVideo@CDLSkype for Business (Lync)Webcourses@UCF IntegrationsStreaming VideosObojoboMateria Back Create Your Course BackRequest a Webcourses@UCF Course SectionSemester Start-Up GuideEnd of Semester Guide Back Effective Online Teaching Strategies BackAccelerated Course Design for EducatorsDesign Your Online CourseCopyrightMedia Message Design TutorialDeliver Your Online CourseInstructional Best Practices Using Technology Back Online Accessibility BackAccessibility Resources for InstructorsProactive Captioning for Online CoursesUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) Back Professional Development BackFaculty Seminars in Online TeachingEssentials of Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF TrainingEffective Teaching with Video (ETV)HQR4444Zoom EssentialsADL5000PAL6000IDL6543IDL7000DLI7836: Digital Learning STEM Institute Back Resources for Teaching Online BackInstructional Designer Lookup ToolLet’s Talk About… A Web Video SeriesTips for Faculty, from FacultyLinkedIn LearningUCF Financial Aid RequirementTeaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity CommitmentThe Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)A Short Guide to DIY VideosObjective Builder ToolUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT)Additional UCF faculty resources Back Personalized Adaptive Learning BackExplore Personalized Adaptive LearningPAL Faculty SpotlightPAL Learning Guides & SupportPAL Publications and Media ExposurePAL Design & Development Services Back Recognizing Exemplary Teaching BackThe Chuck D. 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Posted on June 6, 2022June 8, 2022Episode 115: “Blendedness:” Deliberate Design with Student Benefit As a companion piece to episode 113 on “onlineness,” in this episode hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss the related concept of “blendedness” – the deliberate design of a unified in-person + online experience in ways that benefit students directly. Tagsadaptiveblendedblendednessf2ffacultyflippedhybridhyflexin-personinstructional designersmodalitiesonline Posted on June 7, 2021February 2, 2022Episode 91: Intermodal Learning Redesigning courses from one modality to another was a rushed necessity in the early days of remote instruction, and it might be an expectation of some administrators post-pandemic. Join hosts Tom and Kelvin as they unpack what listener Jerry Dougherty has termed “intermodal learning.” Tagsasynchronousblendedblendflexdoughertyhyflexintermodallearning objectsmodalitiesmodesonlineremote instructionremote teachingscormstandardsSynchronoustransportation Posted on August 3, 2020February 2, 2022Episode 71: Field Report #5: Finding Flexibility for F2F This Fall: The BlendFlex Approach Many institutions will be offering at least some f2f instruction this fall. Kelvin and Tom talk through the details of one flexible approach for making fall f2f less disruptable: BlendFlex. TagsblendedblendflexcontagioncontinuityCOOPcoronacoronaviruscovid-19f2ffield reportflexibilityhyflexinstructionmodalitiesonlineoperationsvirus Posted on October 1, 2018February 2, 2022Episode 42: Designing for Synchronous Online Learning While “traditional” online education relies on asynchronous experiences, there are specific contexts in which synchronous online learning is best for students. In this episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss how and when to make the most of real time options. TagsBeattyblendedchiapasdesignDziubanf2fhigh-impact practicesHIPhyflexliveMoskalNorbergonlinereal timeReigeluthSynchronous
Posted on June 7, 2021February 2, 2022Episode 91: Intermodal Learning Redesigning courses from one modality to another was a rushed necessity in the early days of remote instruction, and it might be an expectation of some administrators post-pandemic. Join hosts Tom and Kelvin as they unpack what listener Jerry Dougherty has termed “intermodal learning.” Tagsasynchronousblendedblendflexdoughertyhyflexintermodallearning objectsmodalitiesmodesonlineremote instructionremote teachingscormstandardsSynchronoustransportation Posted on August 3, 2020February 2, 2022Episode 71: Field Report #5: Finding Flexibility for F2F This Fall: The BlendFlex Approach Many institutions will be offering at least some f2f instruction this fall. Kelvin and Tom talk through the details of one flexible approach for making fall f2f less disruptable: BlendFlex. TagsblendedblendflexcontagioncontinuityCOOPcoronacoronaviruscovid-19f2ffield reportflexibilityhyflexinstructionmodalitiesonlineoperationsvirus Posted on October 1, 2018February 2, 2022Episode 42: Designing for Synchronous Online Learning While “traditional” online education relies on asynchronous experiences, there are specific contexts in which synchronous online learning is best for students. In this episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss how and when to make the most of real time options. TagsBeattyblendedchiapasdesignDziubanf2fhigh-impact practicesHIPhyflexliveMoskalNorbergonlinereal timeReigeluthSynchronous
Posted on August 3, 2020February 2, 2022Episode 71: Field Report #5: Finding Flexibility for F2F This Fall: The BlendFlex Approach Many institutions will be offering at least some f2f instruction this fall. Kelvin and Tom talk through the details of one flexible approach for making fall f2f less disruptable: BlendFlex. TagsblendedblendflexcontagioncontinuityCOOPcoronacoronaviruscovid-19f2ffield reportflexibilityhyflexinstructionmodalitiesonlineoperationsvirus Posted on October 1, 2018February 2, 2022Episode 42: Designing for Synchronous Online Learning While “traditional” online education relies on asynchronous experiences, there are specific contexts in which synchronous online learning is best for students. In this episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss how and when to make the most of real time options. TagsBeattyblendedchiapasdesignDziubanf2fhigh-impact practicesHIPhyflexliveMoskalNorbergonlinereal timeReigeluthSynchronous
Posted on October 1, 2018February 2, 2022Episode 42: Designing for Synchronous Online Learning While “traditional” online education relies on asynchronous experiences, there are specific contexts in which synchronous online learning is best for students. In this episode, hosts Tom and Kelvin discuss how and when to make the most of real time options. TagsBeattyblendedchiapasdesignDziubanf2fhigh-impact practicesHIPhyflexliveMoskalNorbergonlinereal timeReigeluthSynchronous