Posted on January 29, 2018April 12, 2024An Overview of Active Learning Practices in STEM Disciplines Presentation Abstract Join Dr. Scott Freeman, principal lecturer in the Department of Biology at the University of Washington, as he presents a high-level overview of the role of active learning in STEM disciplines and implications for technology-mediated course redesign (i.e., blended, adaptive, or online). Show Notes Dr. Scott Freeman’s meta-analysis (referenced in the video): Active … Continue reading “An Overview of Active Learning Practices in STEM Disciplines” TagsActive Learningcourse designCourse RedesignengagementScott FreemanSTEMStudent Performancetechnology-mediated Posted on September 15, 2017April 12, 2024Projecting Your Online Persona Via Video Is your personality, humor, and care for student success lost in translation while teaching your online course? When you are not seen or heard, learners may have more difficulty connecting with you, which may hinder the overall experience. Integrating video can help develop your online persona by fostering your social presence in the online classroom. Video has the potential to enhance student satisfaction, engagement, and meaningful learning. By using video, you can model multimedia fluency skills, essential for learners’ employability and career advancement. Tagsengagementfaculty satisfactionmeaningful learningmultimediaonline learningonline personapedagogysocial presencestudent satisfactionvideo Posted on September 6, 2017August 1, 2024TOPcast Meet-Up: Tom & Kelvin Engage Their Listeners Watch as Tom and Kelvin conduct their first ever live TOPcast meet-up. Join both of them as they meet some of their listeners, address questions, and talk about their experiences with TOPcast. TagsengagementHigher EdlivePodcastpodcastingprofessional development Posted on May 24, 2017July 10, 2024Storytelling, Amplifying the Human Connection in Online Learning The online classroom environment can sometimes cause students to feel isolated, both socially and cognitively. Digital storytelling creates a framework that can bring the online classroom to life, energizing social-cognitive dynamisms, and promoting a more authentic sense of community in the virtual teaching and learning space. Tagsauthentic learningblended learningcourse designdigital storytellingengagementePortfoliosinclusivityonline learningpedagogystrategy Posted on February 14, 2017April 12, 2024Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online Abstract Learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and Canvas provide a foundation for instructors to design online learning experiences. In recent years, the functionality of most LMSs has expanded to offer more flexibility, primarily by allowing external tools to be integrated. Tools such as Twitter, YouTube, and Quizlet have the potential to increase learners’ … Continue reading “Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online” Tagsblendedcourse designengagementLTINGDLEonlineQuiz ExtensionsstrategiesUDOITWebcourses@UCF Posted on July 5, 2016February 2, 2022Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media About Episode 15: Everyone has an opinion about the role of social media in education. In this episode hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson are joined by guest Dr. Tanya Joosten, author of Social Media for Educators: Strategies and Best Practices, as they consider the place of social media in online education. Download Transcript [PDF, … Continue reading “Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media” Tags#edusocmediaArubacommunicationDETAengagementinteractionJoostenonlinepersonalizationResearchsocial mediasocial networkingstudent successwalled garden Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B AbstractThe ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication … Continue reading “The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses” TagscollaborationengagementonlineSynchronousWebconferencing Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Navigation Menu Teach Online BackCourse Enhancements BackCDL GraphicsVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF IntegrationsStreaming VideosObojoboMateria Back Create Your Course BackRequest a Webcourses@UCF Course SectionSemester Start-Up GuideEnd of Semester Guide Back Effective Online Teaching Strategies BackAccelerated Course Design for EducatorsDesign Your Online CourseCopyrightMedia Message Design TutorialDeliver Your Online CourseInstructional Best Practices Using Technology Back Online Accessibility BackAccessibility Resources for InstructorsProactive Captioning for Online CoursesUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) Back Professional Development BackFaculty Seminars in Online TeachingEssentials of Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF TrainingEffective Teaching with Video (ETV)HQR4444Zoom EssentialsADL5000PAL6000IDL6543IDL7000DLI7836: Digital Learning STEM Institute Back Resources for Teaching Online BackInstructional Designer Lookup ToolLet’s Talk About… A Web Video SeriesTips for Faculty, from FacultyLinkedIn LearningUCF Financial Aid RequirementTeaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity CommitmentThe Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)A Short Guide to DIY VideosObjective Builder ToolUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT)Additional UCF faculty resources Back Personalized Adaptive Learning BackExplore Personalized Adaptive LearningPAL Faculty SpotlightPAL Learning Guides & SupportPAL Publications and Media ExposurePAL Design & Development Services Back Recognizing Exemplary Teaching BackThe Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching Back Back The Barbara Truman Award for Excellence in Blended Teaching Back Back Get Support BackWebcourses@UCF Support BackSystem Support BackWebcourses@UCF Announcements and UpdatesWebcourses@UCF GuidesWebcourses@UCF Personalized Learning GuidesMateria GuidesObojobo GuidesPanopto GuidesRespondus GuidesZoom Guides Back Additional Resources BackSpecial Programs at UCFWeb Browser Requirements (SN Redirected)Student Perception of Instruction (SPI)Course Modalities Back Back Student Support for Learning Online BackDiscover Online BackKnights OnlineProctoring Resources for Students at UCFCourse ModalitiesSearch For Online CoursesResources and ServicesTechnology RequirementsExplore Online ProgramsUCF Online Student Support Back Additional Resources BackLinkedIn LearningHonor Your KnighthoodAcademic CalendarInformation LiteracyWebcourses@UCF Student TourHow to Login to Webcourses@UCFAccelerated Courses for Students Back Back Faculty Support for Teaching Online BackAdditional Resources For Teaching Online BackExplore Teach OnlineUCF Financial Aid RequirementSemester Start-Up GuideProfessional DevelopmentWebcourses@UCF Faculty TourStart-of-Semester Student Message Draft (SN Redirected)How to Login to Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF Training Back Back UCF Faculty Multimedia Center BackUCF Faculty Multimedia CenterEvents & WorkshopsMaker SpaceMedia DigitizationMultimedia RecordingPost-Production SupportCollaboration SpacesEquipment Consulting and Checkout360 Virtual Tours and Extended Reality FMC Photography Back Back Our Services BackInstructional Support Services BackInstructional DesignPersonalized Learning Back Technical Support Services BackWebcourses@UCF Support Back Multimedia Services BackCDL Video ServicesGraphic ServicesProactive Captioning for Online Courses Back Back Our InitiativesAbout Us BackOur Teams BackCDL GraphicsFaculty Multimedia Center TeamInstructional DesignInstructional DevelopmentLeadershipLearning Systems & TechnologyLMS AdminVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF Support Back Discover CDL BackOur Core ValuesOur PublicationsOur AwardsOur AffiliationsOur Migration to CanvasSREB Principles of Good PracticeUCF Distributed Learning GuidelinesVisit CDL Back Contact Us Back
Posted on September 15, 2017April 12, 2024Projecting Your Online Persona Via Video Is your personality, humor, and care for student success lost in translation while teaching your online course? When you are not seen or heard, learners may have more difficulty connecting with you, which may hinder the overall experience. Integrating video can help develop your online persona by fostering your social presence in the online classroom. Video has the potential to enhance student satisfaction, engagement, and meaningful learning. By using video, you can model multimedia fluency skills, essential for learners’ employability and career advancement. Tagsengagementfaculty satisfactionmeaningful learningmultimediaonline learningonline personapedagogysocial presencestudent satisfactionvideo Posted on September 6, 2017August 1, 2024TOPcast Meet-Up: Tom & Kelvin Engage Their Listeners Watch as Tom and Kelvin conduct their first ever live TOPcast meet-up. Join both of them as they meet some of their listeners, address questions, and talk about their experiences with TOPcast. TagsengagementHigher EdlivePodcastpodcastingprofessional development Posted on May 24, 2017July 10, 2024Storytelling, Amplifying the Human Connection in Online Learning The online classroom environment can sometimes cause students to feel isolated, both socially and cognitively. Digital storytelling creates a framework that can bring the online classroom to life, energizing social-cognitive dynamisms, and promoting a more authentic sense of community in the virtual teaching and learning space. Tagsauthentic learningblended learningcourse designdigital storytellingengagementePortfoliosinclusivityonline learningpedagogystrategy Posted on February 14, 2017April 12, 2024Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online Abstract Learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and Canvas provide a foundation for instructors to design online learning experiences. In recent years, the functionality of most LMSs has expanded to offer more flexibility, primarily by allowing external tools to be integrated. Tools such as Twitter, YouTube, and Quizlet have the potential to increase learners’ … Continue reading “Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online” Tagsblendedcourse designengagementLTINGDLEonlineQuiz ExtensionsstrategiesUDOITWebcourses@UCF Posted on July 5, 2016February 2, 2022Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media About Episode 15: Everyone has an opinion about the role of social media in education. In this episode hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson are joined by guest Dr. Tanya Joosten, author of Social Media for Educators: Strategies and Best Practices, as they consider the place of social media in online education. Download Transcript [PDF, … Continue reading “Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media” Tags#edusocmediaArubacommunicationDETAengagementinteractionJoostenonlinepersonalizationResearchsocial mediasocial networkingstudent successwalled garden Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B AbstractThe ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication … Continue reading “The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses” TagscollaborationengagementonlineSynchronousWebconferencing Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Navigation Menu Teach Online BackCourse Enhancements BackCDL GraphicsVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF IntegrationsStreaming VideosObojoboMateria Back Create Your Course BackRequest a Webcourses@UCF Course SectionSemester Start-Up GuideEnd of Semester Guide Back Effective Online Teaching Strategies BackAccelerated Course Design for EducatorsDesign Your Online CourseCopyrightMedia Message Design TutorialDeliver Your Online CourseInstructional Best Practices Using Technology Back Online Accessibility BackAccessibility Resources for InstructorsProactive Captioning for Online CoursesUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) Back Professional Development BackFaculty Seminars in Online TeachingEssentials of Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF TrainingEffective Teaching with Video (ETV)HQR4444Zoom EssentialsADL5000PAL6000IDL6543IDL7000DLI7836: Digital Learning STEM Institute Back Resources for Teaching Online BackInstructional Designer Lookup ToolLet’s Talk About… A Web Video SeriesTips for Faculty, from FacultyLinkedIn LearningUCF Financial Aid RequirementTeaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity CommitmentThe Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)A Short Guide to DIY VideosObjective Builder ToolUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT)Additional UCF faculty resources Back Personalized Adaptive Learning BackExplore Personalized Adaptive LearningPAL Faculty SpotlightPAL Learning Guides & SupportPAL Publications and Media ExposurePAL Design & Development Services Back Recognizing Exemplary Teaching BackThe Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching Back Back The Barbara Truman Award for Excellence in Blended Teaching Back Back Get Support BackWebcourses@UCF Support BackSystem Support BackWebcourses@UCF Announcements and UpdatesWebcourses@UCF GuidesWebcourses@UCF Personalized Learning GuidesMateria GuidesObojobo GuidesPanopto GuidesRespondus GuidesZoom Guides Back Additional Resources BackSpecial Programs at UCFWeb Browser Requirements (SN Redirected)Student Perception of Instruction (SPI)Course Modalities Back Back Student Support for Learning Online BackDiscover Online BackKnights OnlineProctoring Resources for Students at UCFCourse ModalitiesSearch For Online CoursesResources and ServicesTechnology RequirementsExplore Online ProgramsUCF Online Student Support Back Additional Resources BackLinkedIn LearningHonor Your KnighthoodAcademic CalendarInformation LiteracyWebcourses@UCF Student TourHow to Login to Webcourses@UCFAccelerated Courses for Students Back Back Faculty Support for Teaching Online BackAdditional Resources For Teaching Online BackExplore Teach OnlineUCF Financial Aid RequirementSemester Start-Up GuideProfessional DevelopmentWebcourses@UCF Faculty TourStart-of-Semester Student Message Draft (SN Redirected)How to Login to Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF Training Back Back UCF Faculty Multimedia Center BackUCF Faculty Multimedia CenterEvents & WorkshopsMaker SpaceMedia DigitizationMultimedia RecordingPost-Production SupportCollaboration SpacesEquipment Consulting and Checkout360 Virtual Tours and Extended Reality FMC Photography Back Back Our Services BackInstructional Support Services BackInstructional DesignPersonalized Learning Back Technical Support Services BackWebcourses@UCF Support Back Multimedia Services BackCDL Video ServicesGraphic ServicesProactive Captioning for Online Courses Back Back Our InitiativesAbout Us BackOur Teams BackCDL GraphicsFaculty Multimedia Center TeamInstructional DesignInstructional DevelopmentLeadershipLearning Systems & TechnologyLMS AdminVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF Support Back Discover CDL BackOur Core ValuesOur PublicationsOur AwardsOur AffiliationsOur Migration to CanvasSREB Principles of Good PracticeUCF Distributed Learning GuidelinesVisit CDL Back Contact Us Back
Posted on September 6, 2017August 1, 2024TOPcast Meet-Up: Tom & Kelvin Engage Their Listeners Watch as Tom and Kelvin conduct their first ever live TOPcast meet-up. Join both of them as they meet some of their listeners, address questions, and talk about their experiences with TOPcast. TagsengagementHigher EdlivePodcastpodcastingprofessional development Posted on May 24, 2017July 10, 2024Storytelling, Amplifying the Human Connection in Online Learning The online classroom environment can sometimes cause students to feel isolated, both socially and cognitively. Digital storytelling creates a framework that can bring the online classroom to life, energizing social-cognitive dynamisms, and promoting a more authentic sense of community in the virtual teaching and learning space. Tagsauthentic learningblended learningcourse designdigital storytellingengagementePortfoliosinclusivityonline learningpedagogystrategy Posted on February 14, 2017April 12, 2024Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online Abstract Learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and Canvas provide a foundation for instructors to design online learning experiences. In recent years, the functionality of most LMSs has expanded to offer more flexibility, primarily by allowing external tools to be integrated. Tools such as Twitter, YouTube, and Quizlet have the potential to increase learners’ … Continue reading “Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online” Tagsblendedcourse designengagementLTINGDLEonlineQuiz ExtensionsstrategiesUDOITWebcourses@UCF Posted on July 5, 2016February 2, 2022Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media About Episode 15: Everyone has an opinion about the role of social media in education. In this episode hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson are joined by guest Dr. Tanya Joosten, author of Social Media for Educators: Strategies and Best Practices, as they consider the place of social media in online education. Download Transcript [PDF, … Continue reading “Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media” Tags#edusocmediaArubacommunicationDETAengagementinteractionJoostenonlinepersonalizationResearchsocial mediasocial networkingstudent successwalled garden Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B AbstractThe ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication … Continue reading “The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses” TagscollaborationengagementonlineSynchronousWebconferencing Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Navigation Menu Teach Online BackCourse Enhancements BackCDL GraphicsVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF IntegrationsStreaming VideosObojoboMateria Back Create Your Course BackRequest a Webcourses@UCF Course SectionSemester Start-Up GuideEnd of Semester Guide Back Effective Online Teaching Strategies BackAccelerated Course Design for EducatorsDesign Your Online CourseCopyrightMedia Message Design TutorialDeliver Your Online CourseInstructional Best Practices Using Technology Back Online Accessibility BackAccessibility Resources for InstructorsProactive Captioning for Online CoursesUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) Back Professional Development BackFaculty Seminars in Online TeachingEssentials of Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF TrainingEffective Teaching with Video (ETV)HQR4444Zoom EssentialsADL5000PAL6000IDL6543IDL7000DLI7836: Digital Learning STEM Institute Back Resources for Teaching Online BackInstructional Designer Lookup ToolLet’s Talk About… A Web Video SeriesTips for Faculty, from FacultyLinkedIn LearningUCF Financial Aid RequirementTeaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity CommitmentThe Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)A Short Guide to DIY VideosObjective Builder ToolUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT)Additional UCF faculty resources Back Personalized Adaptive Learning BackExplore Personalized Adaptive LearningPAL Faculty SpotlightPAL Learning Guides & SupportPAL Publications and Media ExposurePAL Design & Development Services Back Recognizing Exemplary Teaching BackThe Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching Back Back The Barbara Truman Award for Excellence in Blended Teaching Back Back Get Support BackWebcourses@UCF Support BackSystem Support BackWebcourses@UCF Announcements and UpdatesWebcourses@UCF GuidesWebcourses@UCF Personalized Learning GuidesMateria GuidesObojobo GuidesPanopto GuidesRespondus GuidesZoom Guides Back Additional Resources BackSpecial Programs at UCFWeb Browser Requirements (SN Redirected)Student Perception of Instruction (SPI)Course Modalities Back Back Student Support for Learning Online BackDiscover Online BackKnights OnlineProctoring Resources for Students at UCFCourse ModalitiesSearch For Online CoursesResources and ServicesTechnology RequirementsExplore Online ProgramsUCF Online Student Support Back Additional Resources BackLinkedIn LearningHonor Your KnighthoodAcademic CalendarInformation LiteracyWebcourses@UCF Student TourHow to Login to Webcourses@UCFAccelerated Courses for Students Back Back Faculty Support for Teaching Online BackAdditional Resources For Teaching Online BackExplore Teach OnlineUCF Financial Aid RequirementSemester Start-Up GuideProfessional DevelopmentWebcourses@UCF Faculty TourStart-of-Semester Student Message Draft (SN Redirected)How to Login to Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF Training Back Back UCF Faculty Multimedia Center BackUCF Faculty Multimedia CenterEvents & WorkshopsMaker SpaceMedia DigitizationMultimedia RecordingPost-Production SupportCollaboration SpacesEquipment Consulting and Checkout360 Virtual Tours and Extended Reality FMC Photography Back Back Our Services BackInstructional Support Services BackInstructional DesignPersonalized Learning Back Technical Support Services BackWebcourses@UCF Support Back Multimedia Services BackCDL Video ServicesGraphic ServicesProactive Captioning for Online Courses Back Back Our InitiativesAbout Us BackOur Teams BackCDL GraphicsFaculty Multimedia Center TeamInstructional DesignInstructional DevelopmentLeadershipLearning Systems & TechnologyLMS AdminVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF Support Back Discover CDL BackOur Core ValuesOur PublicationsOur AwardsOur AffiliationsOur Migration to CanvasSREB Principles of Good PracticeUCF Distributed Learning GuidelinesVisit CDL Back Contact Us Back
Posted on May 24, 2017July 10, 2024Storytelling, Amplifying the Human Connection in Online Learning The online classroom environment can sometimes cause students to feel isolated, both socially and cognitively. Digital storytelling creates a framework that can bring the online classroom to life, energizing social-cognitive dynamisms, and promoting a more authentic sense of community in the virtual teaching and learning space. Tagsauthentic learningblended learningcourse designdigital storytellingengagementePortfoliosinclusivityonline learningpedagogystrategy Posted on February 14, 2017April 12, 2024Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online Abstract Learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and Canvas provide a foundation for instructors to design online learning experiences. In recent years, the functionality of most LMSs has expanded to offer more flexibility, primarily by allowing external tools to be integrated. Tools such as Twitter, YouTube, and Quizlet have the potential to increase learners’ … Continue reading “Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online” Tagsblendedcourse designengagementLTINGDLEonlineQuiz ExtensionsstrategiesUDOITWebcourses@UCF Posted on July 5, 2016February 2, 2022Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media About Episode 15: Everyone has an opinion about the role of social media in education. In this episode hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson are joined by guest Dr. Tanya Joosten, author of Social Media for Educators: Strategies and Best Practices, as they consider the place of social media in online education. Download Transcript [PDF, … Continue reading “Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media” Tags#edusocmediaArubacommunicationDETAengagementinteractionJoostenonlinepersonalizationResearchsocial mediasocial networkingstudent successwalled garden Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B AbstractThe ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication … Continue reading “The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses” TagscollaborationengagementonlineSynchronousWebconferencing Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Navigation Menu Teach Online BackCourse Enhancements BackCDL GraphicsVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF IntegrationsStreaming VideosObojoboMateria Back Create Your Course BackRequest a Webcourses@UCF Course SectionSemester Start-Up GuideEnd of Semester Guide Back Effective Online Teaching Strategies BackAccelerated Course Design for EducatorsDesign Your Online CourseCopyrightMedia Message Design TutorialDeliver Your Online CourseInstructional Best Practices Using Technology Back Online Accessibility BackAccessibility Resources for InstructorsProactive Captioning for Online CoursesUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) Back Professional Development BackFaculty Seminars in Online TeachingEssentials of Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF TrainingEffective Teaching with Video (ETV)HQR4444Zoom EssentialsADL5000PAL6000IDL6543IDL7000DLI7836: Digital Learning STEM Institute Back Resources for Teaching Online BackInstructional Designer Lookup ToolLet’s Talk About… A Web Video SeriesTips for Faculty, from FacultyLinkedIn LearningUCF Financial Aid RequirementTeaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity CommitmentThe Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)A Short Guide to DIY VideosObjective Builder ToolUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT)Additional UCF faculty resources Back Personalized Adaptive Learning BackExplore Personalized Adaptive LearningPAL Faculty SpotlightPAL Learning Guides & SupportPAL Publications and Media ExposurePAL Design & Development Services Back Recognizing Exemplary Teaching BackThe Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching Back Back The Barbara Truman Award for Excellence in Blended Teaching Back Back Get Support BackWebcourses@UCF Support BackSystem Support BackWebcourses@UCF Announcements and UpdatesWebcourses@UCF GuidesWebcourses@UCF Personalized Learning GuidesMateria GuidesObojobo GuidesPanopto GuidesRespondus GuidesZoom Guides Back Additional Resources BackSpecial Programs at UCFWeb Browser Requirements (SN Redirected)Student Perception of Instruction (SPI)Course Modalities Back Back Student Support for Learning Online BackDiscover Online BackKnights OnlineProctoring Resources for Students at UCFCourse ModalitiesSearch For Online CoursesResources and ServicesTechnology RequirementsExplore Online ProgramsUCF Online Student Support Back Additional Resources BackLinkedIn LearningHonor Your KnighthoodAcademic CalendarInformation LiteracyWebcourses@UCF Student TourHow to Login to Webcourses@UCFAccelerated Courses for Students Back Back Faculty Support for Teaching Online BackAdditional Resources For Teaching Online BackExplore Teach OnlineUCF Financial Aid RequirementSemester Start-Up GuideProfessional DevelopmentWebcourses@UCF Faculty TourStart-of-Semester Student Message Draft (SN Redirected)How to Login to Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF Training Back Back UCF Faculty Multimedia Center BackUCF Faculty Multimedia CenterEvents & WorkshopsMaker SpaceMedia DigitizationMultimedia RecordingPost-Production SupportCollaboration SpacesEquipment Consulting and Checkout360 Virtual Tours and Extended Reality FMC Photography Back Back Our Services BackInstructional Support Services BackInstructional DesignPersonalized Learning Back Technical Support Services BackWebcourses@UCF Support Back Multimedia Services BackCDL Video ServicesGraphic ServicesProactive Captioning for Online Courses Back Back Our InitiativesAbout Us BackOur Teams BackCDL GraphicsFaculty Multimedia Center TeamInstructional DesignInstructional DevelopmentLeadershipLearning Systems & TechnologyLMS AdminVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF Support Back Discover CDL BackOur Core ValuesOur PublicationsOur AwardsOur AffiliationsOur Migration to CanvasSREB Principles of Good PracticeUCF Distributed Learning GuidelinesVisit CDL Back Contact Us Back
Posted on February 14, 2017April 12, 2024Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online Abstract Learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and Canvas provide a foundation for instructors to design online learning experiences. In recent years, the functionality of most LMSs has expanded to offer more flexibility, primarily by allowing external tools to be integrated. Tools such as Twitter, YouTube, and Quizlet have the potential to increase learners’ … Continue reading “Extending the Efficacy of the Learning Management System: Integrating Tools to Enhance Learning Online” Tagsblendedcourse designengagementLTINGDLEonlineQuiz ExtensionsstrategiesUDOITWebcourses@UCF Posted on July 5, 2016February 2, 2022Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media About Episode 15: Everyone has an opinion about the role of social media in education. In this episode hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson are joined by guest Dr. Tanya Joosten, author of Social Media for Educators: Strategies and Best Practices, as they consider the place of social media in online education. Download Transcript [PDF, … Continue reading “Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media” Tags#edusocmediaArubacommunicationDETAengagementinteractionJoostenonlinepersonalizationResearchsocial mediasocial networkingstudent successwalled garden Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B AbstractThe ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication … Continue reading “The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses” TagscollaborationengagementonlineSynchronousWebconferencing Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Navigation Menu Teach Online BackCourse Enhancements BackCDL GraphicsVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF IntegrationsStreaming VideosObojoboMateria Back Create Your Course BackRequest a Webcourses@UCF Course SectionSemester Start-Up GuideEnd of Semester Guide Back Effective Online Teaching Strategies BackAccelerated Course Design for EducatorsDesign Your Online CourseCopyrightMedia Message Design TutorialDeliver Your Online CourseInstructional Best Practices Using Technology Back Online Accessibility BackAccessibility Resources for InstructorsProactive Captioning for Online CoursesUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) Back Professional Development BackFaculty Seminars in Online TeachingEssentials of Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF TrainingEffective Teaching with Video (ETV)HQR4444Zoom EssentialsADL5000PAL6000IDL6543IDL7000DLI7836: Digital Learning STEM Institute Back Resources for Teaching Online BackInstructional Designer Lookup ToolLet’s Talk About… A Web Video SeriesTips for Faculty, from FacultyLinkedIn LearningUCF Financial Aid RequirementTeaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity CommitmentThe Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)A Short Guide to DIY VideosObjective Builder ToolUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT)Additional UCF faculty resources Back Personalized Adaptive Learning BackExplore Personalized Adaptive LearningPAL Faculty SpotlightPAL Learning Guides & SupportPAL Publications and Media ExposurePAL Design & Development Services Back Recognizing Exemplary Teaching BackThe Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching Back Back The Barbara Truman Award for Excellence in Blended Teaching Back Back Get Support BackWebcourses@UCF Support BackSystem Support BackWebcourses@UCF Announcements and UpdatesWebcourses@UCF GuidesWebcourses@UCF Personalized Learning GuidesMateria GuidesObojobo GuidesPanopto GuidesRespondus GuidesZoom Guides Back Additional Resources BackSpecial Programs at UCFWeb Browser Requirements (SN Redirected)Student Perception of Instruction (SPI)Course Modalities Back Back Student Support for Learning Online BackDiscover Online BackKnights OnlineProctoring Resources for Students at UCFCourse ModalitiesSearch For Online CoursesResources and ServicesTechnology RequirementsExplore Online ProgramsUCF Online Student Support Back Additional Resources BackLinkedIn LearningHonor Your KnighthoodAcademic CalendarInformation LiteracyWebcourses@UCF Student TourHow to Login to Webcourses@UCFAccelerated Courses for Students Back Back Faculty Support for Teaching Online BackAdditional Resources For Teaching Online BackExplore Teach OnlineUCF Financial Aid RequirementSemester Start-Up GuideProfessional DevelopmentWebcourses@UCF Faculty TourStart-of-Semester Student Message Draft (SN Redirected)How to Login to Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF Training Back Back UCF Faculty Multimedia Center BackUCF Faculty Multimedia CenterEvents & WorkshopsMaker SpaceMedia DigitizationMultimedia RecordingPost-Production SupportCollaboration SpacesEquipment Consulting and Checkout360 Virtual Tours and Extended Reality FMC Photography Back Back Our Services BackInstructional Support Services BackInstructional DesignPersonalized Learning Back Technical Support Services BackWebcourses@UCF Support Back Multimedia Services BackCDL Video ServicesGraphic ServicesProactive Captioning for Online Courses Back Back Our InitiativesAbout Us BackOur Teams BackCDL GraphicsFaculty Multimedia Center TeamInstructional DesignInstructional DevelopmentLeadershipLearning Systems & TechnologyLMS AdminVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF Support Back Discover CDL BackOur Core ValuesOur PublicationsOur AwardsOur AffiliationsOur Migration to CanvasSREB Principles of Good PracticeUCF Distributed Learning GuidelinesVisit CDL Back Contact Us Back
Posted on July 5, 2016February 2, 2022Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media About Episode 15: Everyone has an opinion about the role of social media in education. In this episode hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson are joined by guest Dr. Tanya Joosten, author of Social Media for Educators: Strategies and Best Practices, as they consider the place of social media in online education. Download Transcript [PDF, … Continue reading “Episode 15: It’s More About the Social than the Media” Tags#edusocmediaArubacommunicationDETAengagementinteractionJoostenonlinepersonalizationResearchsocial mediasocial networkingstudent successwalled garden Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B AbstractThe ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication … Continue reading “The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses” TagscollaborationengagementonlineSynchronousWebconferencing Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page Navigation Menu Teach Online BackCourse Enhancements BackCDL GraphicsVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF IntegrationsStreaming VideosObojoboMateria Back Create Your Course BackRequest a Webcourses@UCF Course SectionSemester Start-Up GuideEnd of Semester Guide Back Effective Online Teaching Strategies BackAccelerated Course Design for EducatorsDesign Your Online CourseCopyrightMedia Message Design TutorialDeliver Your Online CourseInstructional Best Practices Using Technology Back Online Accessibility BackAccessibility Resources for InstructorsProactive Captioning for Online CoursesUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT) Back Professional Development BackFaculty Seminars in Online TeachingEssentials of Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF TrainingEffective Teaching with Video (ETV)HQR4444Zoom EssentialsADL5000PAL6000IDL6543IDL7000DLI7836: Digital Learning STEM Institute Back Resources for Teaching Online BackInstructional Designer Lookup ToolLet’s Talk About… A Web Video SeriesTips for Faculty, from FacultyLinkedIn LearningUCF Financial Aid RequirementTeaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR)UCF Creed-Based Academic Integrity CommitmentThe Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)A Short Guide to DIY VideosObjective Builder ToolUniversal Design Online Content Inspection Tool (UDOIT)Additional UCF faculty resources Back Personalized Adaptive Learning BackExplore Personalized Adaptive LearningPAL Faculty SpotlightPAL Learning Guides & SupportPAL Publications and Media ExposurePAL Design & Development Services Back Recognizing Exemplary Teaching BackThe Chuck D. Dziuban Award for Excellence in Online Teaching Back Back The Barbara Truman Award for Excellence in Blended Teaching Back Back Get Support BackWebcourses@UCF Support BackSystem Support BackWebcourses@UCF Announcements and UpdatesWebcourses@UCF GuidesWebcourses@UCF Personalized Learning GuidesMateria GuidesObojobo GuidesPanopto GuidesRespondus GuidesZoom Guides Back Additional Resources BackSpecial Programs at UCFWeb Browser Requirements (SN Redirected)Student Perception of Instruction (SPI)Course Modalities Back Back Student Support for Learning Online BackDiscover Online BackKnights OnlineProctoring Resources for Students at UCFCourse ModalitiesSearch For Online CoursesResources and ServicesTechnology RequirementsExplore Online ProgramsUCF Online Student Support Back Additional Resources BackLinkedIn LearningHonor Your KnighthoodAcademic CalendarInformation LiteracyWebcourses@UCF Student TourHow to Login to Webcourses@UCFAccelerated Courses for Students Back Back Faculty Support for Teaching Online BackAdditional Resources For Teaching Online BackExplore Teach OnlineUCF Financial Aid RequirementSemester Start-Up GuideProfessional DevelopmentWebcourses@UCF Faculty TourStart-of-Semester Student Message Draft (SN Redirected)How to Login to Webcourses@UCFWebcourses@UCF Training Back Back UCF Faculty Multimedia Center BackUCF Faculty Multimedia CenterEvents & WorkshopsMaker SpaceMedia DigitizationMultimedia RecordingPost-Production SupportCollaboration SpacesEquipment Consulting and Checkout360 Virtual Tours and Extended Reality FMC Photography Back Back Our Services BackInstructional Support Services BackInstructional DesignPersonalized Learning Back Technical Support Services BackWebcourses@UCF Support Back Multimedia Services BackCDL Video ServicesGraphic ServicesProactive Captioning for Online Courses Back Back Our InitiativesAbout Us BackOur Teams BackCDL GraphicsFaculty Multimedia Center TeamInstructional DesignInstructional DevelopmentLeadershipLearning Systems & TechnologyLMS AdminVideo@CDLWebcourses@UCF Support Back Discover CDL BackOur Core ValuesOur PublicationsOur AwardsOur AffiliationsOur Migration to CanvasSREB Principles of Good PracticeUCF Distributed Learning GuidelinesVisit CDL Back Contact Us Back
Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B AbstractThe ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication … Continue reading “The Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses” TagscollaborationengagementonlineSynchronousWebconferencing Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page
Posted on July 22, 2015April 12, 2024Leveraging Mobile Devices to Support Authentic Learning Ownership of mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets continues to rise amongst college students. Incorporating these devices in coursework can facilitate authentic learning, with students connecting what is taught in the course to real-world issues and applications. This can be especially powerful in online learning environments, allowing students to capture experiences in the field and share with others in the class. Although instructors may express an interest in incorporating a mobile element, they are often unsure how to design course activities that are not only engaging, but also effectively support authentic learning. In this session, issues of mobile design, assessment, and support will be discussed. Specifically, an instructor’s experience of integrating mobile devices to support authentic learning in a mixed-mode (blended) course will be showcased. Tagsauthentic learningcourse designengagementmobilemobile devicesmobile learning Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page
Posted on October 14, 2014April 12, 2024Using Social Media to Enhance Community in Your Classes Today’s college students are using social media more than ever in their personal lives, and emerging research suggests that social media can have a powerful influence on the learning experience. Many instructors have an interest in harnessing the pedagogical potential of social media, but are unsure how to effectively integrate them in their curricula. In this session, we will describe how social media can foster a sense of community within and beyond the classroom setting. Specifically, we will showcase strategies designed to create and sustain community using the social media tool Twitter, addressing commonly identified issues such as student privacy and communication. Tagscommunicationcommunitycourse designengagementsocial media Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page
Posted on April 16, 2014April 12, 2024Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes At the Center for Distributed Learning we often hear from faculty, “that’s a great idea, but it’ll never work for me because I teach such large classes.” Student engagement can be a challenge in any size class, but it can be overwhelming trying to reach hundreds of students individually when there’s only one of you. In this brief seminar, we will share a set of strategies that can be used to make the most effective use of your time to provide a personal touch to all of your students. We will provide specific examples using existing tools in Webcourses@UCF and share anecdotal experiences using these strategies with classes of over 1400 students. The strategies presented in this session were developed with large classes in mind, but they can be used successfully in any size class. Tagscourse designengagementlarge classstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page