Posted on December 16, 2024December 13, 2024Episode 176: Credit for Prior Learning Guest Dr. Matt Bergman joins Tom and Kelvin to discuss the current role credit for prior learning plays in American higher education and how we can all do a bit more to use this approach effectively in our digital learning work. TagsadultAdvance PlacementAPassessmentBergmanblendCAELCLEPCPLcreditEthiopiaFTIChigh schoolIBInternational BaccalaureatemilitaryPLAportfoliopost-traditionalprior learningSightseer Posted on October 5, 2015February 2, 2022Episode 6: Understanding the Coming CBE R/Evolution About Episode 6: In this episode, join hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson as they discuss online competency-based education (CBE) in its various forms. Tom and Kelvin consider whether CBE is evolutionary, revolutionary, or both as higher education institutions innovate in the ways they serve their students. Episode 6 Show Notes: Please find various show notes … Continue reading “Episode 6: Understanding the Coming CBE R/Evolution” Tagsaccelerationadaptive learningadult learnersassessmentcbecompetency-based educationdigital badgesdirect assessmenteportfolioEthiopiafaculty rolesiron trianglemastery learningPLAprior learning assessmentTop5_Year1Yirgacheffe
Posted on October 5, 2015February 2, 2022Episode 6: Understanding the Coming CBE R/Evolution About Episode 6: In this episode, join hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson as they discuss online competency-based education (CBE) in its various forms. Tom and Kelvin consider whether CBE is evolutionary, revolutionary, or both as higher education institutions innovate in the ways they serve their students. Episode 6 Show Notes: Please find various show notes … Continue reading “Episode 6: Understanding the Coming CBE R/Evolution” Tagsaccelerationadaptive learningadult learnersassessmentcbecompetency-based educationdigital badgesdirect assessmenteportfolioEthiopiafaculty rolesiron trianglemastery learningPLAprior learning assessmentTop5_Year1Yirgacheffe