Posted on February 1, 2016April 12, 2024 by cdladminThe Role of Synchronous Communication in Asynchronous Online Courses Seminar Date: March 29, 2016 Seminar Time: 1:00pm Location: Streamed Online from LIB 161B Abstract The ability to communicate in real time (synchronous) through media such as text, audio, and video, can enhance the online learning experience by providing dynamic opportunities for social connection, collaborative problem solving, and collective reflection. However, issues related to synchronous communication include scheduling conflicts, technical support, and the perception that it is extra or busy work. In this session, we will share strategies to incorporate synchronous elements that enhance engagement and learning within online courses for instructors and students. Concrete examples of applying these synchronous strategies will be shared by an instructor. Presenters Bernardo Ramirez MDAssociate Professor Department of Health Management and Informatics College of Health and Public Affairs University of Central Florida Bernardo Ramirez is an Associate Professor as well as the director of the Executive Health Services Administration and Global Health Initiatives programs for the Department of Health Management and Informatics at UCF. He teaches classes on the U.S. health system, international health systems, issues and trends in health professions, and quality improvement. He has incorporated synchronous elements in his online and blended courses for three years. Tina Calandrino MEdInstructional Designer Center for Distributed Learning University of Central Florida Tina Calandrino is an Instructional Designer for the Center for Distributed Learning at UCF, assisting faculty in the design, development, and delivery of online courses. She has over twenty years of experience in the educational field and has taught online, blended, and face-to-face courses in the United States, Canada, and Italy. Her research focuses on developing tools and strategies for effective synchronous teaching in the online learning environment. Session Recordings and Supporting Materials Recording: Streamed Podcast Session: (faculty-seminars-in-online-teaching): Play in new window | Download (Duration: 24:39 — 22.6MB) | EmbedSubscribe: TuneIn | RSS | About Faculty Seminars Presentation MaterialsPresentation Resources PowerPoint Presentation [PDF; 5.7MB] Rubric for Online Synchronous Participation [PDF; 180KB] Tools and Resources Guidelines for Synchronous Assignments: This resource provided by Webcourses@UCF describes best practices currently in use by some online faculty at UCF. Skype for Business: This page on UCF’s Teach site describes Skype for Business and shares best practices for holding successful online meetings using the tool. Specific examples provided. Adobe Connect: This is the official page for learning more about Adobe Connect meeting feature. Free trial is offered. Zoom: This is the official page for Zoom. Google Hangouts: Hangouts bring conversations to life with photos, emoji, and group video calls for free. Connect with friends across computers, Android, and Apple devices. Educreations: Teachers can record voice and screen to create video lessons in which students can interact instantly. Available on the web or as an iPad app. Nearpod: Create presentations in which students can interact via Web and/or mobile devices. Articles and Artifacts Small Group Work and Whole Group Discussion Mediated through Webconferencing Software: This article, published in the International Journal for the Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning, reports on a case study that explored the benefits and challenges of facilitating group activities in a synchronous environment in an undergraduate course. Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous e-Learning: The purpose of this article, published by the eLearning Industry site, is to discuss the advantages of using both synchronous and asynchronous technologies in an online learning environment. Blending Online Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning. A qualitative study article published in The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning answering the question: How can the designer/instructor optimize learning experiences for students who are studying about online learning environments in a blended online course relying on both synchronous and asynchronous technologies? Promoting Synchronous Interaction in an eLearning Environment: Cyber-Instructors Continually Seek Instructional Tools That Will Hold Students' Attention, and Make Online Communications More Efficient and Effective: The Journal’s article that presents a case of combining both synchronous and asynchronous interaction in an online classroom. Webcourses@UCF How-To’s What are Conferences for instructors? How do I create a Conference? How do I record a Conference? How do I use the Conference interface?