For many faculty teaching online, course creation is iterative: write and organize, teach, and re-write and re-organize based on formative and summative assessments. In many ways, this process may not vary from your face-to-face teaching experiences. Begin with the End in Mind A good axiom to follow when creating an online course is to begin with …

This page will walk you through the process of creating materials (e.g., Syllabus, Schedule, Course Expectations, content pages) for your online course using the Pages tool in Webcourses@UCF to present content to students.

Best Practices for Using PowerPoint in Your Online Course  Uploading a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation file to your online course without providing additional context is not recommended. PowerPoints are typically used to guide a live discussion or presentation, and additional information is provided verbally along with the slide content. For example, a bulleted list in your PPT may not convey the context and details students need to understand the content. Additionally, posting PPT files with embedded audio and …

PDF documents may be appropriate to use in your online course if the document is a form, article, historical document, or if the document has a complex layout. If the content you plan to share with your students does not need to be formatted as a PDF file, consider sharing the content on a Page …

Best Practices for Using Word Documents in Your Online Course Word documents may be appropriate to use in your online course if you need students to print or fill out the page. We recommend that you present content to students using the Pages tool in Webcourses@UCF rather than uploading Word documents to your course. Pages … We are here to help ensure your success teaching online. We recognize the importance of providing our faculty with essential training and resources. Teach Online contains the latest information on course design, professional development, and educational resources for UCF faculty who teach online or supplement face-to-face courses with online instruction. Let us keep you …