UCF must comply with the Federal Student Financial Aid regulation that states that in order to receive federal aid, students must be actively academically engaged (according to a federal definition) in each course in which they are enrolled.
Timeline for Verifying Academic Engagement
For the first disbursement of financial aid, we are required to gather this information no later than Friday of the first week of each new semester. Without verification of this engagement, students will not receive their aid. When creating the Financial Aid assignment in Webcourses@UCF, please use the following dates.
Do Not Delete the Academic Engagement Assignment
CDL recommends any assignment you use to verify academic engagement be in your course and available to students for the entire semester. Deleting an Assignment that could be a student’s only means of financial aid verification could cause the student’s award package to be reduced. These settings best allow students to qualify for financial aid (especially those who add or drop late or withdrawal)
Student activity in Webcourses@UCF (Canvas) will be used to determine which students have met the federal standard, and that information will be sent to the Office of Student Financial assistance for processing.
Effective Engagement Strategies
Did you know that Webcourses@UCF can be used as a powerful online tool to engage your students academically? This can be done within all course modalities here at UCF. Watch the video below to meet three UCF faculty and see how they engage students through Webcourses@UCF.
Additional CDL Resources:
- Effective Online Assessment: Scalable Success Strategies
- Online Engagement Strategies For Large Classes
- Engaging Online Students: Practical Interaction Strategies to Enhance Learning
What Do I Do?
The following process is recommended to all UCF instructors/faculty for satisfying this requirement:
- Add a statement to your syllabus explaining this policy. For example:
All instructors/faculty are required to document students’ academic activity at the beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete the following academic activity by the end of the first week of classes or as soon as possible after adding the course. Failure to do so may result in a delay in the disbursement of your financial aid.
(Then insert information about the activity students must complete. This could include any of the activities listed in Step 3 below.)
Also consider sending a Student Start-of-Term Message to notify students how to access Webcourses@UCF. This would be especially helpful for new students.
- Access your Webcourses@UCF (Canvas) course following the directions below. The Center for Distributed Learning (CDL) will create “shells” for all courses ten (10) days before the semester starts. If you have already created courses through the Faculty Webcourse Manager, your course(s) will remain unaffected.
- Go to the myUCF portal (https://my.ucf.edu) and click the Webcourses@UCF button in the left side of the screen.
- Log in with your NID and NID password. Access each course by selecting it in the “Courses” dropdown menu at the top of the page. View the Webcourses@UCF Login demo for more information.
- Create at least one assignment in Webcourses@UCF (Canvas) that students must complete during the first week of class or as soon as possible after they add the course. This assignment should be available to students on the first day of classes, be due after the first week of classes, but be available to students until the last day of the term. Students can apply for financial aid at any point in the term. Having this assignment available to students the length of the term facilitates late financial aid applications.
Do Not Remove the Assignment from the Grade Book
The assignment should not be removed from the grade book at ay time. This will ensure that students whose aid is delayed are able to complete the assignment and receive late disbursement without causing extra work for the faculty member.
Approved Assignments for Academic Engagement
Review the Approved Assignments for Academic Engagement page for a comprehensive list of assignments that can be used to satisfy Academic Engagement within your course.
- Publish your course so that students can access it.
If you follow this process, no additional action will be required on your part to verify student engagement for financial aid reporting.
Please Note: You can always review the Academic Engagement for Financial Aid FAQ page for a list frequently asked questions in regards to setting up the financial aid requirement in your Webcourses@UCF course shell.
Tip: If this is your first experience using Webcourses@UCF, please visit the Webcourses@UCF Faculty Tour for a guided overview. This brief demonstration provides an introduction to UCF’s learning management system.
You may also want to consider enrolling into Essentials of Webcourses@UCF (Essentials). This self-paced, just-in-time online training is available to anyone who wishes to learn about the tools and functionality of the university’s learning management system.
Other Important Information
Independent Study, Thesis, Dissertation, Undergraduate Research
For very small courses, like Independent Study or Dissertation, faculty should consider cross listing those courses to consolidate record keeping. Directions for combining courses can be found on the Webcourses@UCF Semester Checklist. You may use the Attendance/Roll Call tool noting student attendance when the student has made contact with the instructor (face-to-face, email, or phone).
Do Not Weight the Attendance/Roll Call Assignment
Note: The assignment that is automatically created the first time an instructor uses the Attendance/Roll Call tool must have a point value of one or more and cannot be placed in an assignment group weighted at zero percent. By default, the assignment is worth one hundred points. Additionally, the assignment must be counted towards the final grade.
Do Not Check the “Do not count this assignment towards the final grade” Box
Note: The assignment that is automatically created the first time an instructor uses the Attendance/Roll Call tool must have a point value of one or more and cannot be placed in an assignment group weighted at zero percent. By default, the assignment is worth one hundred points. Additionally, the assignment must be counted towards the final grade.
Face-to-face Course (P modality)
Faculty members in face-to-face (P) classes also have the option of taking attendance by more traditional means (e.g., roll call, sign-in sheet) and logging that information in Webcourses@UCF until the due date listed above using the new Attendance/Roll/ Call tool.
Do Not Weight the Attendance/Roll Call Assignment
Note: The assignment that is automatically created the first time an instructor uses the Attendance/Roll Call tool must have a point value of one or more and cannot be placed in an assignment group weighted at zero percent. By default, the assignment is worth one hundred points.
Please visit the Semester Start-up Guide for directions on how to:
- enable a course shell that was not automatically created
- adjust the date when students can access your online course shell
- enable Panopto for approved video-mode courses
Which Academic Activity Should I Use in my Course?
P |
M |
W |
V |
RS |
Graded Quiz |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Practice Quiz |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Graded Survey |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ungraded Survey |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Graded Discussion |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Ungraded Discussion |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Graded Assignment |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Information Literacy module |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Experiential Learning module |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Obojobo Assignment |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Materia Assignment |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
CS&T Test Scoring service |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
*Attendance/Roll Call Tool |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
Attendance/Roll Call Tool
Use of the Attendance/Roll Call Tool is recommended for face-to-face courses. The tool can also be used with Mixed Mode (M) and Video Streaming/Reduced Seat Time (RV) courses, if a face-to-face lecture is scheduled before the academic engagement activity due date listed at the beginning of this page. It is not acceptable to use the Attendance/Roll Call tool in World Wide Web (W) and Video Streaming (V) courses.
Support Services
The following services/resources are available to assist you and your students:
- Review the Academic Engagement for Financial Aid FAQ web page for a list of frequently asked questions.
- Review the CDL Events Calendar for a list of relevant dates regarding UCF’s financial aid requirement.
- Karen L. Smith Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning (Faculty support only)
- Classroom 1 Bldg, Room 207
- Call: 407-823-3544
- Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm
- Webcourses@UCF Support – Provides technical assistance to faculty and students who use Webcourses@UCF.
- Live support 8:00am to 6:00pm
- 407-823-0407
- Live Chat and online document search: https://cdl.ucf.edu/support/webcourses/
- Email: webcourses@ucf.edu
- Support form: https://cdl.ucf.edu/support/webcourses/contact/
- Weekend and evening hours: Messages are answered by email.
- Live support 8:00am to 6:00pm
- UCF IT – Students and faculty should contact the UCF IT Support Center for issues regarding NID passwords or access to university systems.
- Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday
- Call: 407-823-5117
- Website: https://it.ucf.edu/