Posted on October 5, 2015February 2, 2022Episode 6: Understanding the Coming CBE R/Evolution About Episode 6: In this episode, join hosts Thomas Cavanagh and Kelvin Thompson as they discuss online competency-based education (CBE) in its various forms. Tom and Kelvin consider whether CBE is evolutionary, revolutionary, or both as higher education institutions innovate in the ways they serve their students. Episode 6 Show Notes: Please find various show notes … Continue reading “Episode 6: Understanding the Coming CBE R/Evolution” Tagsaccelerationadaptive learningadult learnersassessmentcbecompetency-based educationdigital badgesdirect assessmenteportfolioEthiopiafaculty rolesiron trianglemastery learningPLAprior learning assessmentTop5_Year1Yirgacheffe Posted on March 18, 2015August 1, 2024Strategies to Encourage Academic Integrity in Online Exams Online exams are popular in college courses, offering a time-efficient and flexible way of assessing student learning. Students often prefer them because of the convenience factor, while instructors like that they do not expend valuable face-to-face class time. However, the concern about students cheating on online exams is pervasive throughout higher education. Instructors often worry that it is difficult for students to remain academically honest under such conditions. In this session, resources and strategies to encourage academic honesty in the online exam environment such as considerations for test construction and exam settings will be shared. Specifically, we will showcase an instructor’s use of ProctorHub, UCF’s newest online proctoring tool, which is designed to mitigate these concerns. Tagsacademic integrityassessmentcourse designproctorstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posted on January 27, 2011April 12, 2024Effective Online Assessment: Scalable Success Strategies In the face of larger numbers of students in online courses and the challenge of designing effective assessments in an online environment, the need is greater than ever to implement scalable strategies that mitigate academic integrity issues. In this recorded session, presenters will review a variety of assessment techniques applicable to many disciplines. Tagsacademic integrityassessmentcourse designstrategies Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2
Posted on March 18, 2015August 1, 2024Strategies to Encourage Academic Integrity in Online Exams Online exams are popular in college courses, offering a time-efficient and flexible way of assessing student learning. Students often prefer them because of the convenience factor, while instructors like that they do not expend valuable face-to-face class time. However, the concern about students cheating on online exams is pervasive throughout higher education. Instructors often worry that it is difficult for students to remain academically honest under such conditions. In this session, resources and strategies to encourage academic honesty in the online exam environment such as considerations for test construction and exam settings will be shared. Specifically, we will showcase an instructor’s use of ProctorHub, UCF’s newest online proctoring tool, which is designed to mitigate these concerns. Tagsacademic integrityassessmentcourse designproctorstrategiesWebcourses@UCF Posted on January 27, 2011April 12, 2024Effective Online Assessment: Scalable Success Strategies In the face of larger numbers of students in online courses and the challenge of designing effective assessments in an online environment, the need is greater than ever to implement scalable strategies that mitigate academic integrity issues. In this recorded session, presenters will review a variety of assessment techniques applicable to many disciplines. Tagsacademic integrityassessmentcourse designstrategies Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2
Posted on January 27, 2011April 12, 2024Effective Online Assessment: Scalable Success Strategies In the face of larger numbers of students in online courses and the challenge of designing effective assessments in an online environment, the need is greater than ever to implement scalable strategies that mitigate academic integrity issues. In this recorded session, presenters will review a variety of assessment techniques applicable to many disciplines. Tagsacademic integrityassessmentcourse designstrategies Posts navigation Previous page Page 1 Page 2