Knights Online: Using Webcourses@UCF

Feel free to browse any of the stand-alone tutorials listed below. If you are new to UCF you may want to consider viewing the Webcourses@UCF Student Tour. This tour will help you gain a basic understanding of how to navigate Webcourses@UCF. The tour will also provide you with some insight into basic features you may use in your online course here at UCF. You may view any of the tutorials listed below, however we recommend you view them in the order they appear. You may click the title of the tutorial or the image to the left of the tutorial to view it.

How to Log into Webcourses@UCF

Learn how to log in to Webcourses@UCF by using myUCF, direct URL, and the Canvas Student app.

Profile & Notifications

The global Settings menu allows you to manage your contact information. You can add email addresses and other contact methods, such as your cell phone number or SMS email. If you add secondary email addresses, make sure your Knights email remains your default email. You can also change the language and/or time zone settings from the Settings page.

Notifications allows you to change the frequency in which you receive notifications for the different types of activities in your course. In this tutorial, you will practice how to configure your profile settings and notification preferences.

How to Use the Inbox & Conversations Tool

Conversations in Webcourses@UCF functions very similarly to your standard email systems. Use it as your primary form of communication within Webcourses@UCF. Conversations consist of messages between yourself, other students, TA’s, and/or your professor. Grading comments from your professor will also appear in your conversations list. In this tutorial, you will practice how to reply to conversations, create conversations, and manage past conversations.

Webcourses@UCF Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log into Canvas. The Dashboard course cards help you see what is happening in all your current courses. The Dashboard also includes a sidebar with a To Do list, upcoming assignments, links to recent feedback, and button for viewing grades.The Dashboard may also include global announcements from UCF.

How to Post Discussion Replies

Most online courses within Webcourses@UCF will require you to post your thoughts and replies within guided discussion threads. Your professor will use these threads to facilitate class discussions amongst your peers. Discussions may be graded or non-graded depending on how your professor set them up. You can access individual class discussions by navigating to your desired course and clicking Discussions in the course navigation menu.

How to Submit Assignments

Webcourses@UCF defines assignments as graded content within your course. This may consist of discussions, paper/electronic assignments, and assessments. There are two ways to access your assignments. In this tutorial, you will practice how to view assignments, add files to an assignment, add comments to an assignment, and submit an assignment.

How to Use the Rich Content Editor

The Rich Content Editor has a standard editing toolbar – similar to the toolbar in Microsoft Word. You can select a font type, a font colur, a font size, align your text and create lists. You will fine the Rich Content Editor in Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes. This editor can support text, HTML, multimedia content, mathematical notations and other rich media.

How to Take Quizzes & Tests

You can locate your Quizzes and Tests by clicking <strong>Quizzes </strong>within the Course Menu. Instructors can choose from various question types to add to an assessment. Questions can include multiple choice, true/false, essay, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and/or multiple answers.

There are many different ways to view assessment results after they have been graded. How you view the results will depend on your instructor’s quiz settings. In this tutorial, you will practice how to access your assessments by taking and submitting a quiz. You will also practice how to view your graded quiz.

How to Manage Your Grades

There are two ways to access your grades. You can click Grades in the Global Navigation menu or click Grades within the Course Navigation menu. When you click Grades from the Global Navigation menu, you can see the average grades for all your courses. When you click Grades from the Course Navigation menu, you will only see grades for your assignments, graded discussions, and assessments from that course. In this tutorial, you will practice how to access your grades, view grading comments, and try the “What-If” Scores feature.