Instructional Designer Lookup Tool

If you have successfully completed IDL6543, DLI7836, OFRA, Effective Teaching with Video (ETV), or Essentials of Online Teaching (with a quality designation), then you have the benefit of being paired with an experienced Instructional Designer. You are the expert in your discipline; we are experts in designing quality online learning experiences. Instructional Designers offer guidance as you design, develop, and deliver your online course. These Instructional Support Services will keep you current on the latest advancements in teaching online, some of which are happening right here at UCF. Check out Our Initiatives to learn more.

Lookup Your UCFID

You will need your UCFID to lookup your allocated Instructional Designer. Your seven digit UCFID is located on your UCF ID card. You can also login to Workday and click on your photo in the top-right corner.  Your UCFID is displayed under Employee ID.

Enter your UCFID below to lookup your allocated Instructional Designer.

Instructional designer lookup failed.
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