Include Provost-required Items in Your Syllabus

Quality Review Showcase

The Quality and High Quality online course reviews explore components proven to be best practices in online course design. This post showcases Quality item, “The syllabus includes the following Provost-required course information, such as course description, grading policies, and reference to course schedule, among others.”

An effective syllabus strongly orients the student to your course. As UCF faculty Eunji Nam states in her online course, “The syllabus should be your best friend.” It answers the foundational questions, “What is the purpose of this course? What am I going to get out of it? What will I be expected to do? When will I be expected to do it?” It also includes up-to-date university policies and statements. All faculty members must provide a syllabus in Webcourses@UCF each semester, and are to begin using Simple Syllabus in Fall 2024.

What Are Some Ways Your Online Course Can Be Designed to Meet This Standard?

What Does This Look like in a Real Online Course?

Example 1: Syllabus, Michael Chetta, INP4313.

Example 2. Course Description excerpt from Syllabus, Lana Williams, ANT4034.
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