What Is the High Quality Online or Blended Course Emblem?

This emblem is displayed in online course sections that have met the standards of High Quality based on a High Quality Online Course Review process at UCF.

This emblem is displayed in blended course sections that have met the standards of High Quality based on a High Quality Blended Course Review process at UCF.

For an online or blended course section to be designated as High Quality, the course must possess superior design elements of an effective course. The main categories in the course review include:

Course Overview and Introduction

Sample Criteria:

  • Expectations for prior knowledge and competencies (beyond prerequisite courses) are described in the syllabus.
  • Accessibility statements for tools that are provided by vendors external to UCF are included.

Course Content

Sample Criteria:

  • Instructional materials represent current theory and practice in the discipline.
  • The course models academic integrity by providing citations and permissions for use of instructional materials.

Assessment and Engagement

Sample Criteria:

  • Assessments promote higher-order thinking skills (e.g., apply, analyze, evaluate).
  • An opportunity for students to introduce themselves to develop a sense of community is provided.

Accessibility and Usability

Sample Criteria:

  • Tables include a descriptive title or caption.
  • Videos have accurate synchronous captions, and transcripts are provided.

This designation focuses on high-quality online or blended course design, rather than the interactions between students and faculty members during the teaching process.

What Is the Purpose of the Review?

Student success is at the heart of the High Quality Online or Blended Course review. Students will benefit by engaging in an effectively designed course that introduces the student to the course, provides up-to-date content that best reflects the discipline, and asks students to actively demonstrate their knowledge.

How Is an Online or Blended Course Designated as High Quality?

First, an instructional designer (ID) from the Center for Distributed Learning at UCF reviews the course section using an instrument containing basic quality design standards. After this initial review, the ID and the faculty member discuss any recommendations to improve the overall quality of the course design and develop an action plan to make the enhancements. If the resulting course meets the basic design standards specifications, the course is recognized as Quality.

If the faculty member chooses, a High Quality review can then take place. If the resulting online or blended course meets the superior design standards specifications, the course is recognized as High Quality. The High Quality course emblem is issued to the faculty member, who can choose to display it within future course sections. The designation typically expires 5 years from the initial High Quality designation date.