Quality Review Showcase The Quality and High Quality online course reviews explore components proven to be best practices in online course design. This post showcases High Quality item, “Instructional materials are current, best representing the discipline and reflecting current trends.” As an expert in the discipline, you are in the best position to determine if …

A common frustration for students taking online courses is when outdated technology is being used. This entry identifies technologies that have been sunsetted and which ones to consider using in their place.

Students can learn content in online courses more effectively when connections between related bits of information are clear and are presented in distinct coherent “chunks”. This entry describes strategies for displaying content in ways that support learning.

Quality Review Showcase The Quality and High Quality online course reviews explore components proven to be best practices in online course design. This post showcases Quality item, “Technical support information (e.g. tutorials, instructions) for using technology tools are provided.” It can be easy to assume that students know how to use online tools simply because …

If a student is not proficient at using a technology that is necessary for success in an online course, it will impede their learning. This post shares strategies for ensuring that students have access to information that will help them skillfully use the technology tools in your online course.

Quality Review Showcase The Quality and High Quality online course reviews explore components proven to be best practices in online course design. This post showcases Quality item, “Alternative means of access to course materials is provided.” By: Charlotte Jones-Roberts, Instructional Designer, CDL “Alternative means of access” means that students have the ability to access course …

Engaging with the content of a course is a first step to learning. Merely inserting content in a course does not ensure students will learn the intended concepts or skills, so it is important to provide students with guidance for how you expect them to interact with a given chunk of content. What objectives does the content address? On what major points or details should students focus? When students have taken in the content, their learning can be supported further with a structured opportunity to immediately do something with it to discover, process, or apply its concepts or skills.