Have you ever been curious about how to create quick graphics for your course? In this workshop, we will show you how to utilize the free online tool, Canva, to create a graphic that can be placed in your Webcourses@UCF course or on any of your course materials. Graphics can be useful in branding your course by creating an appealing look for students or can be used to help illustrate certain content. Graphics can also be placed in videos or PowerPoints that you create for your students.
Please bring a laptop or tablet and be ready to connect to the campus wifi. There will be no software required to download for this workshop. However, you will need a valid email address to sign up for Canva either ahead of time or at the workshop.
You will walk away with at least one graphic but also the knowledge to continue to create your own graphics using Canva.
This event has passed. The presentation file is available for download below.
Canva Graphic Examples
Your Instructor – Jackie Compton

Jackie has worked for the Center for Distributed Learning since March 2013. Previously a technical support assistant for Webcourses@UCF Support, she now works as a web content specialist for the Instructional Development team. She transcribes video recordings for closed captioning, assists in the creation and support for non-academic web-based courses, and edits online training materials and performance support documents.
Concurrent to her employment at CDL, Jackie received her B.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Central Florida. Her studies in English have strengthened her skills in writing and editing, and she employs these skills to create content that is clear, consistent, and grammatically correct. In 2016, she received the Information Technologies and Resources Outstanding Service Award.
Jackie is also an excellent graphic designer and video creator. She is proficient in many of the Adobe Creative Suite programs including Photoshop and has used Canva frequently when she’s on a tight deadline and needs to create an appealing graphic or brochure.
Jackie’s ambition for quality and creativity extends beyond her work at CDL. In her spare time, Jackie performs and competes as a ballroom dancer.