Webcourses@UCF Faculty Tour

This tour will help you gain a brief understanding of the many tools available to you within Webcourses@UCF. The tour is not designed to demonstrate how each of the tools work. If you wish to learn how to perform certain tasks within Webcourses@UCF, please check out the Essentials of Webcourses@UCF workshop.

The Faculty Tour is segmented into three parts. Review each of the segments below to learn more about some of the instructor functions within Webcourses@UCF.

Part One

In Part One of the Faculty Tour you will learn about:

  • Webcourses@UCF User Dashboard
  • Global Navigation
  • Course Menu
  • Announcements
  • Syllabus Tool

Part Two

In Part Two of the Faculty Tour you will learn about:

  • Modules
  • Assignments
  • Discussions
  • Quizzes
  • Grades

Part Three

In Part Three of the Faculty Tour you will learn about:

  • Files
  • People
  • Pages
  • Settings
  • Calendar

Getting Started with Webcourses@UCF

Enroll into Essentials of Webcourses@UCF

Essentials of Webcourses@UCF is self-paced, just-in-time online training for anyone who wishes to learn the tools and functionality of the university’s learning management system

Accessing Webcourses@UCF

Review the How to Login to Webcourses@UCF page to learn about the various ways you can access Webcourses@UCF.