Sharing Course Content in Webcourses@UCF

There are many ways to share course content between instructors. Please use this simple decision path to help determine which solution works best for you needs:

I want to copy content between two of my own courses

Copy Content from One Course to Another.

I want to share content with only one other instructor at UCF

Contact Webcourses@UCF Support with the name of the instructor and which course you wish to share.

I want to share course content with instructors outside of UCF

You can share a quiz, module, or an entire course using Canvas Commons.

I want to share content with multiple courses in my department/program/college

While you can use Canvas Commons to share materials with your colleagues, you may not want more control over who has access to your materials, and what changes they can and cannot make. In this case, you may want to create a Blueprint course. A Blueprint course is usually used by a department or program to ensure that standard materials are provided to a number of courses. Blueprint requests must be reviewed, and additional training is needed to manage multiple courses using Blueprints. If you think a Blueprint may be the best solution for your needs, please use the LMS Admin Support Form and under “Type of Request” select “Request Blueprint Manager Role” and someone from CDL will reach out to you.