What is the Quality Online or Blended Course Emblem?

This emblem is displayed in online course sections that have met the standards of Quality based on a Quality Online Course Review process at UCF.

Quality Blended Course Badge

This emblem is displayed in blended course sections that have met the standards of Quality based on a Quality Blended Course Review process at UCF.

For an online or blended course section to be designated as Quality, the course must possess the basic foundations of an effective course. The main categories in the course review include:

Course Overview and Introduction

Sample Criteria:

  • The course provides a clear starting point for students to begin accessing vital course components, such as syllabus, course schedule, course content, and assignments.
  • The course has an explicit pace (e.g., a schedule) to which the students are introduced.

Course Content

Sample Criteria:

  • The course offers a variety of instructional materials aligned with learning objectives and/or goals.
  • The course offers opportunities for students to actively engage with the content to enhance learning.

Assessment and Engagement

Sample Criteria:

  • The course offers opportunities for students to actively engage with other students to enhance learning (e.g., discussions, group work).
  • Multiple methods and opportunities for students to demonstrate learning are offered.

Accessibility and Usability

Sample Criteria:

  • The course content is readily attainable, including external links, resources, and technologies.
  • A text equivalent (e.g., alt text, a caption, text description) is provided for images.

What Is the Purpose of the Review?

Student success is at the heart of the Quality Online or Blended Course review. Students will benefit by engaging in an effectively designed course that provides seamless structure and navigation, up-to-date syllabus information, and activities that encourage meaningful learning. A quality course design should optimize students’ satisfaction with the learning experience and engagement with the learning material and activities of the course. Students will be able to clearly demonstrate what they are learning and understand how they are being assessed.

How Is an Online or Blended Course Designated as Quality?

First, an instructional designer (ID) from the Center for Distributed Learning at UCF reviews the course section using an instrument containing basic quality design standards. After this initial review, the ID and the faculty member discuss any recommendations to improve the overall quality of the course design and develop an action plan to make the enhancements. If the resulting course meets the basic design standards specifications, the course is recognized as Quality.

The Quality course emblem is issued to the faculty member, who can choose to display it within future course sections. The designation typically expires 5 years from the initial Quality designation date.