Q2 2024 Roadmap Objectives

Improved functionalities in creating and collecting User Defined Fields, so institutions have the relevant and accurate student information.

Customers will see fresher data in Admin Analytics.

The “Backpack” feature will be reintroduced in the LTI 1.3 integration, allowing users to view, manage, and share their earned micro-credentials seamlessly within the integration.

Screen-narrated student submissions in the Speedgrader will ensure improved and more efficient communication between teachers and students.

Learners can see and calculate their grades on the mobile.

Improved rubrics enables instructors to provide more meaningful feedback, and self assessment support encourages learner agency.

Students engage in deeper, more meaningful discussion with classmates with clear checkpoints to guide their way.

With new question types and an improved video quiz builder, teachers will create more engaging video content for students

Improved communication and feedback collection.

Improved functionalities in creating user defined fields

Captions for Studio videos can be automatically generated and published, further elevating ADA compliance for media.

Educators will be able to leverage a simple and familiar block editor interface to create content within Canvas Pages.

Students and Instructors can watch videos on Mobile in full screen and picture-in-picture mode as well.

Educators will be able to manage outcomes appropriately to ensure accurate alignments.

Educators will be able to selectively release modules to individuals and sections, further enabling differentiated instruction and personalizing learning content for students.

Inbox messages can be sent in scheduled mode, which enables teachers and students to customize their learning experience according to their daily rhythm and not disturb others with incoming messages.

Predefined signature can be used, managed on Mobile as well.

Pathways will achieve full accessibility with the introduction of a pathway builder for enhanced keyboard navigation and screen reader support, along with an updated visual representation for a cohesive experience.

When Instructors share item banks they can now align outcomes tied to sub-accounts to the questions within.

Instructors will be able to share New Quizzes content both within and outside of their organization by use of a common cartridge file to foster greater collaboration.

Instructors will be able to share New Quizzes in Canvas Commons, empowering them to better collaborate and save time on content curation.

Instructors will be able to provide just-in-time accommodations of additional time for students, ensuring equitable access in the quizzing process.

Instructors will be able to manage results visibility settings within a New Quiz, streamlining feedback and instructional quality for students.

API enhancements enable admins and instructors to customize test-taking accommodations in New Quizzes, adapting to varying levels of student needs and enhancing testing experiences.

Expanded API endpoints enable administrators to download quiz data comprehensively, facilitating custom reports and supporting learning outcomes analysis.

Instructors are able to provide students additional context with standalone text or prompts that are not tied to questions on a New Quiz.

Instructors can use detailed student analysis report to gain deeper insights into student understanding and activity on quizzes.

New Quizzes will now allow instructors to gather anonymous student feedback, to collect insights and improve the learning experience.

The ability to download all student submissions for a question at once will enable Instructors to save time when manually grading file upload question types in New Quizzes.

The New Quizzes submissions API will enable instructors and administrators to submit student quiz attempts and retrieve student test submission data to enhance reporting and inform learning outcomes.

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