The purpose of the Principles of Good Practice is to identify the expectations and requirements for participation in the Electronic Campus.

The Webcourses@UCF Support team provides technical support services to online instructors and students by phone, email, and live chat.

Video@CDL is an award-winning production team responsible for maintaining the videos for online classes at UCF.

The Learning Systems and Technology (LS&T) team creates and maintains several educational web applications for UCF like Obojobo, Materia, and Badges@UCF.

The Instructional Development (iDev) team develops institutional instructional resources that improve the online learning experience at UCF.

The Instructional Design Team’s primary function is to promote the quality of online instruction at UCF. This is accomplished by facilitating the design and development of online courses through a combination of face-to-face interaction, just-in-time training, and ongoing professional development.

CDL Graphics focuses on creating course content graphics and visuals to support online faculty in their teaching and learning.

The CDL Leadership Team provides oversight to the work of the Center for Distributed Learning under the authority of UCF’s Division of Digital Learning. Kevin Corcoran, M.B.A. Assistant Vice Provost, Center for Distributed Learning Kevin Corcoran is the Assistant Vice Provost of the Center for Distributed Learning. Kevin has over 25 years of experience …

Our teams consist of 80 plus motivated developers, creators, and dreamers dedicated to exploring new technology to enhance teaching and learning at UCF. Need to reach us? Our staff are available by phone or email! Browse our department staff directory.