Retrieving Hidden Obojobo Instances for Copied Courses

When a user visits an Obojobo instance in a Webcourses course that has been copied (for example when copying a course from last semester or from a development course) Obojobo will duplicate the instance in an effort to keep the student data for that instance separate from the older scores.

The previous ownership for the duplicated instance is not carried over for security reasons. This means the instance is in the Obojobo system but initially hidden from view. You can un-hide the instance however – To do so follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to your Obojobo assignment in Webcourses (This will let Obojobo know that you have access to this instance)
  2. In a new tab or window visit
  3. You should now see the instance visible in the Repository, however, this visibility is temporary. To view this instance permanently: Select the instance, click ‘Managers’ and then add yourself by searching for your full name. You’ll now have permanent access to this instance.