Reviewing Turnitin Instructor Comments

Instructors can also leave feedback on student submissions through Turnitin. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on Assignments
  2. Click the title of the assignment to be reviewed.
  3. Under the Assignment Inbox (or if the assignment is set to load Turnitin in a new tab) your submission should be listed.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to your grade.
  5. The Feedback Studio will load in a new window.

(1): These are text comments left by your instructor.

(2): If your instructor has enabled a Turnitin rubric on the assignment, click here to view the rubric.

(3): Your originality score will be listed here. Click here to view more information about the score.

(4): This icon represents a Text comment left directly on the submission. Click the icon to view the comment.

(5): This represents an Inline comment left by your instructor.

(6): This represents a QuickMark comment left by your instructor to help leave a quick and simple note on the submission.

(7): Here you can download your submission or your Turnitin digital receipt.