Create Quiz From Question Banks

This guide may be useful for creating cumulative finals or any other cumulative quizzes in your courses from question banks.

Add a Question from a Question Bank

This method allows you to select one or more questions from a question bank and add it to a quiz. The question will not appear in a question group.

Add a Question from a Question Bank

Question Bank Question Edits: Once a question has been added from a question bank, any updates made to the original question in the question bank will not affect the added question.

  1. Click the Find Questions button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Locate the question bank in the left-hand column.
  3. In the right-hand column, check off the question to add to the quiz.
    • You can check off more than one question or click the Select All link to select all questions. If the question bank contains more than 50 questions, you will need to scroll down and click the more questions link to load/select the rest of the questions.
  4. Select [No Group] in the Add questions to the question group: dropdown menu.
  5. Click the Add Questions button.
  6. Save the quiz by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Add A Question from a Question Bank into a Question Group

This method allows you to select one or more questions from a question bank and add it to a question group.

Add A Question from a Question Bank into a Question Group

Question Bank Question Edits: Once a question has been added from a question bank, any updates made to the original question in the question bank will not affect the added question.

  1. Click the New Question Group button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Give the question group a unique title.
  3. Determine the number of questions that should be selected from the group and the number of points per question.
  4. Click the Create Group button.
  5. Click the Find Questions button at the bottom of the page
  6. Locate the question bank in the left-hand column.
  7. In the right-hand column, check off the question to add to the quiz.
    • You can check off more than one question or click the Select All link to select all questions. If the question bank contains more than 50 questions, you will need to scroll down and click the more questions link to load/select the rest of the questions.
  8. Select the question group name in the Add questions to the question group: dropdown menu.
  9. Click the Add Questions button.
  10. Save the quiz by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Link a Question Group to a Question Bank

This method allows you to link a question bank to a question group. Any updates made to to questions in the question bank will be reflected in the quiz.

Link a Question Group to a Question Bank

  1. Click the New Question Group button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Click the Link to a Question Bank link.
  3. Select the preferred question bank.
  4. Click the Select Bank button.
  5. Give the question group a unique title.
  6. Determine the number of questions that should be selected from the group and the number of points per question.
  7. Click the Create Group button.
  8. Save the quiz by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.